Yard Sale

Yard Sale – St Eugene’s annual yard sale DATE TO BE DETERMINED

  Donations are accepted in the month prior to the yard sale.  
Dates for the yard sale can be found in the church bulletin.  
The success of the yard sale is the result of much hard work by 
parish volunteers.  Volunteers are always needed and much appreciated. 
The following donated items would be greatly appreciated.  Baskets - 
in good condition - all sizes.  Items - in pristine condition - to be 
placed into the baskets or to be raffled off.  Please contact Donna
568-0894 or Veronica 568-7848.  Donated items may
 be marked for Yard Sale Raffle and left on the
back porch of the Rectory. Our themes will be
Wine, Beach, Bake, Candle, Coffee, Games/Puzzles,
Barbecue Picnic, Breakfast, Spa/Manicure, Food,
Tea, Irish, Italian or any suggestions? Your help will
be greatly appreciated.